Founder Spotlight: Get to Know Sally Heaven

Sally Heaven, co-founder, Raise HECK

Welcome to Founder Spotlight, where the founders of Raise HECK answer five questions. This week, get to know Sally Heaven. 1. Where do you call home? Takoma Park, Maryland has been my home since 1999. It’s a 2.4 square mile town that borders Washington, DC. I love living here; it’s small enough that my family […]

Migrating from Salsa to EveryAction? Get some Guac!

What’s happening: Salsa is being sunsetted and now you have to move. You’re going to EveryAction. Maybe you’re thrilled or…maybe not. Either way, it has to happen. You want to get some additional expert help for your migration. WHO CAN HELP? We can! We are a dream team of 3 independent consultants who each have […]

Raise HECK: Zooming In On Assessments 2K23

At Raise HECK, we are celebrating our third anniversary. With three years of raising heck under our belts, we thought it was time to pause and take stock. What are we doing? What are we good at? What do we enjoy doing? Are we achieving the outcomes we want of helping nonprofit organizations to accomplish […]

Case Study: Vera Institute of Justice Technology Assessment

Raise HECK performed a technology assessment for the Vera Institute of Justice to help them find a solution that would meet their needs and solve data problems for CRM, grants management, and digital marketing. Raise HECK Raise HECK helps nonprofits choose and use the best technology to power their missions. We are objective experts who […]

Nonprofit Technology Crossword

Test your knowledge of nonprofit technology with our first ever Raise HECK crossword. Click on a clue to start solving.

Founder Spotlight: Get to Know Charlotte Kresse

Charlotte Kresse, co-founder, Raise HECK

Welcome to Founder Spotlight, where the founders of Raise HECK answer five questions. This week, get to know Charlotte Kresse. 1. Where do you call home? Rhode Island – I grew up here and after college and 10 years in DC I moved back in 2011 and absolutely love it. 2. Tell us about your […]

Making Migrations Suck Less

Migrations suck. They suck for everyone. Here’s how they suck. If you were in charge of buying the new CRM, the migration will suck because you’ve been leading a big process, and now need to begin leading a new big process. During your buying process, you saw the best features of a fully configured CRM […]

Six Lessons from #22NTC Giving Your Membership Database Wings to Fly

We were psyched to present at #22NTC along with our fantastic client the International African American Museum and their partner CCAH. We spent a very enjoyable hour talking about how we worked together to find a solution that would help the museum take their membership program to the next level. If you attended NTC but […]